2/20/2020 by hypher 2/20/202000
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const names = [

function monthNameArray(num) {
    return names[num - 1];

function monthNameSwitch(num) {
    switch (num) {
        case 1: return "Jan";
        case 2: return "Feb";
        case 3: return "Mar";
        case 4: return "Apr";
        case 5: return "May";
        case 6: return "Jun";
        case 7: return "Jul";
        case 8: return "Aug";
        case 9: return "Sep";
        case 10: return "Oct";
        case 11: return "Nov";
        case 12: return "Dec";
delete caserun single casemove downdrag and drop case


monthNameArray(1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 12))
delete caserun single casemove updrag and drop case


monthNameSwitch(1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 12))
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